Thursday, June 21, 2012

And We're Off...

To the 6th Annual Trikes Optional Tour in Kellogg, Idaho tonight (Thursday June 21)

My wife, daughter and I will get there later Friday night and then will be there until Thursday June 28

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This is becoming the largest trike / Recumbent Event for the Northwest US, Western Canadian Area. The Recumbent Retreat in Fort Stevens, Or. has been the biggest and longest held event which is held in August every year (I was there in '06 long so we're overdue for another visit). So stay in touch over the next week and I will try to get some posts  while there or soon after. Its been 4 years since I was at the TOT, that was number 2, this will be the 6th time the event has been held and it keeps getting bigger and better, with its own very unique traditions and character. I'm so excited!! So Tally HO!!

We left on Thursday night and Arrived at our destination for the Evening at Frontier Lodge Near Nordegg Alberta. It s a youth Camp that i have been involved with since i was a junior counsellor in High school and later as a board member and supporter. My Wife is currently a board member. Its been a highlight to start many of our holidays from there. I usually get up quite early and sit on the peer and reflect on my past year and what I plan for the next one.

Sipping coffee while listening to the loons seems like the best way to start a vacation…

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