Monday, January 21, 2013

Middle of the Road

Here is a great website dedicated to some Great Illustration regarding Cycling: Here is the First one I saw that was sent form a friend of mine in Calgary.
Bikey face share the road
I really like is that the material is drawn from a womens prespective. So often it seems that cycling related content is from a man point of view. Yet women are becoming a boigger demographic in prctical cycling!

If you are stuck in side because of the snow .check out her site , its pretty good.


  1. Peiter, Go ahead and add a link on you site. This is great educational info, Just make sure you Credit and have the link to Bikeyface, she has several great Points she makes in other illustrations!

  2. Thanks for posting this. It is a great illustration of a pretty important road safety matter.

  3. Just posted the link on my cycling club FB site! Excellent and just as relevant here in the UK!
